Some great questions...


Well-Known Member
I love how the advanced mj forum has become the epicenter for FABULOUS questions.

Here's some examples:
Can I feed my plant breast milk? Not a waste of time at all!
Can I feed my plants gator-aide? Great Question!
How do I yield 50 pounds off of one plant with a 400 watt hps? Totally possible!
My plant has brown spots, would putting it in the washing machine make it healthy again? Sounds logical to me!

Lets not discuss cool training techniques, lets make new ones. What if I punched the root ball every other week? It's how I build strong abs, so that's how I'll give my plant a six pack.

Anyone else have some other great ideas? Remember, just because it's a fucking retarded idea for everything else in life, doesn't mean that it isn't a great idea for a mj plant!
Ain't it the truth. Some the the questions and threads have become so totally without merit, logic or common sense. I have been around here now for over 4 years and long for the oldtimers which added so much to the forums. Where have all the good advice and probing questions gone? Has government schools finally taken over society now, with there is no wrong answers, where if I just yell louder than others, people will listen to what I say?
Personally I have answered fewer questions, spend less time reading in the threads and more time wondering just what the hell happened to RIU. It has come to where the people which helped the most, offered book and grow knowledge along with where to find it have been either banned or simply left do to agrumentative people here now. Oh, for the days of Ohsogreen, Bricktop, Uncle Ben and so many others which are no longer here to share there knowledge. Maybe this is just a cycle we are going through here and sanity will settle here again.
So I will just keep peeping, answering questions which interest me, keep my pipe full and close at hand while I read what new tortures people can do to their plants.
i really thought most of the questions like that belonged in or at the very least general discussion.

IMO the advanced section should be more for advanced growers to explain and describe there techniques and discuss technical and scientific experiments. but oh well if ppl want to share there breast milk failures with the pros then who am I to say its wrong. have fun =)

i only stop by this section to read and learn and maybe post on someone elses thread.