some questions about my beauties ! ( PICS )


I have 2 plants growing outdoors, i started them in april but they only started going outside in late may.. theyre doing pretty good and theyre females ! ( the bulbs burst and theres little hairs , right ? ) anways, one plant is growing way faster than the other. i have 1 super light green plant thats growing really fast and my other one is dark green and really isnt growing too fast... both plants have a mix of 5-7 fingers on the leafs. both plants are treated the same ( they get the same amount of sun ) so anyone have any ideas ?! here are some pics = ... thanks for the help ~~~ :leaf: ( the first pic was taken about a week ago )



Well-Known Member
Nice plants. I have some about the same age. The slower growing one probably has more indica traits, while the faster one probably leans more toward sativa. If they came from the same parents they are two different phenotypes. This is very common.


Well-Known Member
Planting in the ground could be good, just make sure that you amend the soil with some organic mix.