some questions about shrooms...


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about eating some shrooms now, and I know someone who can get them for me. Once I get some money I'm going to get some. The Only questions I have are these though...

How much would be a good amount to buy for my first time? ($20, $10, $40)

How much should I eat as a first timer? (I know that it all depends on the kind of shrooms and the person, but what is like, an ideal amount?)

What should I expect? (How long will it take to trip, how long will the trip last, will I kind of not be "conscious" or anything?)

What's a good environment to eat them at?

Those are the questions I've got. I'll appreciate any feedback to this. Thanks :eyesmoke:
buy an eighth and eat half of them and see where it takes you..then maybe eat some more.

you should expect to be tripping out of your mind, feeling great, getting lost inside your mind and around some good friends in a comfortable place with some good music, then maybe venture out into nature.

it might take a little bit before you feel them but once they start kicking in, your in for a ride. trip should last id say 10-12 hrs or more depending on how much you eat, how hard your tripping.

you will be completely conscious! have fun:mrgreen::peace:
normally a cut (3.5 grams) is the perfect amount for me im 6'2 and 215 lbs and ive eaten a cut every time ive shroomed (except that one time) but thats a whole nother story

shrooms SHOULD be sold at the same price as middies so hopefully dude wont charge you more than 25 for the eighth but ive seen a cut go for as much as 40 if there supposedly sum fire mushrooms

but if you wanna get sum good visiuals and a really good trip eat a whole cut all at once with a very small snack... eat a good meal the night before yout trip as well but dont eat anything big before you eat the shrooms cuz that will fuck with the potency big time

it takes 30 mins to an hour and a half for the trip to kick in then another hour to two hours till it hits its peak

the peak is normally 3-4 hours and will be one of the best times of your life then pretty much for the rest of your night you will still be feeling it as you come down but nothing as intense as the peak

try and go out into nature like a nice secluded nature walk with a friend who is also tripping, have lots of weed to smoke cuz weed enhances your trip big time

but your looking at 6 to 8 hours of trip time

i dont recomment tripping by yourself (especially for a first time) also for your first time stay away from big crowds and crowded area

theres no way to acurately describe what its like to trip other than its eye opening and life perspective changing

buy an eighth and eat half of them and see where it takes you..then maybe eat some more.

you should expect to be tripping out of your mind, feeling great, getting lost inside your mind and around some good friends in a comfortable place with some good music, then maybe venture out into nature.

it might take a little bit before you feel them but once they start kicking in, your in for a ride. trip should last id say 10-12 hrs or more depending on how much you eat, how hard your tripping.

you will be completely conscious! have fun:mrgreen::peace:
thanks dude. how much would an 1/8 be. I know this is kind of irrelevant, but when I buy weed, I don't buy in 1/8, 1/4, etc., just a couple grams at a time, so I don't really know what the price would be around...or again, is that another thing that usually varys depending on where you are and who's dealing right? another thing is that I'm probably gonna be doing it with a friend of mine as well....1/8 is still a good amount I assume?

normally a cut (3.5 grams) is the perfect amount for me im 6'2 and 215 lbs and ive eaten a cut every time ive shroomed (except that one time) but thats a whole nother story
alright, I'm about 6'2 as well...just about 5 pounds or so we're about the same there. my friend on the other hand, is probably somewhere around 5'10 and 170-180 pounds....about 7 grams to share between would be good then maybe?
personally, i would buy about an eighth and eat about half. it all depends on the person really.
if your not totally comfortable with it then just eat a little under half and keep goin if ur not gettin the fullon effect that you want.
my first time eating shrooms i ate an eighth...mind you im like 5 foot one and not fat so my sq footage is on the small size and i was trippin sme good balls.
just be very careful. halusagents are real hard on you when you have a bad tripp. ive herd some fuckin sick stories and sme bad ones.
have fun lol
personally, i would buy about an eighth and eat about half. it all depends on the person really.
if your not totally comfortable with it then just eat a little under half and keep goin if ur not gettin the fullon effect that you want.
my first time eating shrooms i ate an eighth...mind you im like 5 foot one and not fat so my sq footage is on the small size and i was trippin sme good balls.
just be very careful. halusagents are real hard on you when you have a bad tripp. ive herd some fuckin sick stories and sme bad ones.
have fun lol
well if you go into a trip with good vibes, you'll have a good trip, but if you go in with bad vibes, it'll turn out to be a bad trip right? or is that just a big misconception with tripping?
posotive posotive postive!

happy thoughts = happy trips
alright cool. thanks actually for clearing that up. I always talk to people that haven't even touched drugs that telll me good thoughts=good trips. Only exception though was someone from down the street explain it all out to me...we were stoned/drunk (he was at least, I don't drink). he hasn't done them either, so I was a bit skeptical....this is also the same guy I'm gonna be tripping with....
man i did 7 grams to myself for the first time last night, think good DO NOT GO SOMEWHERE THAT GIVES YOU BAD VIBES, it equals out to being a BAD TRIP for a LONG TIME, you're going to have a life changing moment!
do not fear the mushrooms, just roll with em.. put on some relaxing music and just chill outside, i personally enjoy going camping and tripping
do not fear the mushrooms, just roll with em.. put on some relaxing music and just chill outside, i personally enjoy going camping and tripping

or chill in a hot tub with attractive girls who aren't used to being around people on mushrooms, and might just be willing to go topless ;)
alright, another question that i just though about was nausea. does that play in with doing shrooms? like, I'm scared of throwing up as dumb as that sounds. like, if someone were to pretend that they were throwing up around me or something, I'll bug the fuck out. it's just one of those things that is too much for me to handle for some reason haha.
haha 7 was the trip

I have mixed emotions about it, for the most part it was the single most terrifying experience in my entire life, and some parts just felt so DAMN GOOD, probably the last hour of tourqing i really really wanted to come down from it, i threw up multiples times, and everytime i threw up i got higher and higher....Drugs are fucked man!
I have mixed emotions about it, for the most part it was the single most terrifying experience in my entire life, and some parts just felt so DAMN GOOD, probably the last hour of tourqing i really really wanted to come down from it, i threw up multiples times, and everytime i threw up i got higher and higher....Drugs are fucked man!

haha as bad as that sounds, thats awesome..i made the mistake of puking on shrooms once...+rep to you:bigjoint: