Some questions about temp and humidity


Active Member
I am in a quandary regarding things I have read concerning temp and humidity. On the one hand I read that plants should be kept at about 75 degrees during light phase and have no more than a 15 degree drop in temp during dark phase. This doesn't seem to compute with how nature does things as this kind of temp variable only occurs in nature in very few places. I have indoor as well as outdoor plants and outdoor plants are doing great with much more extreme temp variations. Also, I live in the high desert of Colorado where conditions are very similar to Kush region of Afghanistan. In both areas, humidity is very low. Also I had read somewhere that THC and resin production is a plants response to low humidity as especially resin is produced and secreted to help plant retain water. If this is true, why would I want to keep my grow room humid? Can someone clear up these issues for me?


Well-Known Member
I used to live in colorado springs, growing outdoors there was hell, i gave up an just did indoors,

75' plus/minus 10 degrees is optimal, mama nature isnt optimal much. Stressing em, just takes time for em to recover a slows growth.

I dont like high humidity cause i can cause mold, i can just water em a little more an an they are ok. The high humidity is to stop water from transpireing out the plants.

Not sure about the low humidity causing more resin, but its almost as dry as colorado here so i hope its true.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis can tolerate huge swings in temperature if humidity and air movement are adequate.

In the summer I often record temperatures above 130 degrees in my greenhouses. Humidity is usually below 25% at these temps, and there are fans that exchange the air more than once per minute.