some questions before i spend some cash


New Member
OK guys I've learned quite a bit from this site but there some questions that I have. I'll get to them in a few sentences but first I'd like to tell youwhat iI'm working with. I have a 10x10 room that I'm going to knock the window out of and board up so that no natural light can get in. I'm going to vent right out that same window. Im not financially set up for a "huge" grow op as of yet but I do have a few ideas I'd like to run by you guys so here goes.

I'm adamant about starting with 1000 watt hps/mh and I'm only trying to cultivate 4 plants at a time all different strains for different effects both medical and recreational so I don't build up a tolerance to one or the other. My room is painted white and there's a 2x4 closet I'd like to keep a clone mother or 2 in there but that's later on down the road. I'm planning on using only fox farm products like soil and fertilizers. My questions are as follows.
1) I'm looking into a virtual sun hydroponics hood that runs about $300 and I'm preferring a magnetic ballast to digital for there reliability. Does anyone have any experience with this companies products?
2) My well water is too hard to use in confidence. I can't afford a water purifying system that is heavy duty enough. I've gone through reverse osmosis filter systems in months having to change filters weekly so I'm going to just buy water. I'd like to use distilled water and add nutes to it also adjusting PH to 6.5. I've not found anything that says distilled water is bad or good its about 50/ 50 either way.
3) can I grow auto flowers and
Other kinds of cannabis at the same time. I'm liking the idea of growing 4 plant regularly but my first grow I'd like 5. One would be auto flower. What I'd like to do on my first grow is a 4x4 water catch under my 5 gallon buckets with 4 buckets one in each corner of my water catch and the auto flower in the center. I'd like to run 18/6 until the auto flower is harvested and switch to 12/12 to flower the other 4. I'm using feminized seeds for my first few grows so I can get the hang of growing before I start sexing and picking a clone mother. Thanks for your answers.
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