Some questions before i start


Active Member
Hey, I'm getting ready for my first grow. I have been waiting for the day to have my own place for years, and its finally here. So i would like to do this right and not have to learn from my mistakes over and over. I will be growing indoors, not many plants. I would like to have 2 females. So my questions are:

- Best place to order seeds from and any recommendations for the first time
- A checklist of everything needed without spending hundreds of dollars
- And some overall tips for the first timer

OK, hopefully you guys can help me out here. I would greatly appreciate it.



Active Member
well what would be something low odor. And im not going to be growing to many, just a few for a closet setup. I need all the advice i can get before i jump into it.


Active Member
this is what i did.
seeds weed farmer 14 for 20 euro
clfs 100 w 2 per plant. but if u can get hid
miracle grow do not use for first 4 weeks
spray gun hand held
soil i used cactus it ok but i say john innes mixed with perlite

but i am only a newbie and dont know that much


Well-Known Member
I would start out with more than 2 plants. I would atleast go for 6 for the start and maybee by the end you will atleast have 2 females.

And also the size of the grow area will determin the lights you will be able to use. There are a lot of different setups on here for all different size areas.


Active Member
yeah i realize ill need to have a few plants to get 2 females (most likely). I was thinking about ordering some feminized seeds, any recommendations?


Just some idiot
go here and get five free female seeds when you order something.
Marijuana Seeds, Cannabis Seeds Online

I've used them and they are reliable and hell you can get two strains and five fems for $50 bucks. And depending on how big the closet is I would probably go with an indica type of plant for sure. As for low odor...I really don't know it all smells really good. They have odor control stuff on the growfaqs, amd cheap alternatives under the diy section.