Some Stuff To Think About High


Okay guys I came up with some question cause i'm seriously high right now, and i wanted y'all to think about them.

What's the speed of Dark?

Think about these words, Weed makes you high fool.

How come food taste good when you're high?

Did you ever notice you eat stuff high that you would never eat unhigh?

Did you ever notice that you eat the stuff unhigh from that day after?

Just a few. Try to answer some of these questions yourself, and if you're with pals write y'all responses.

Happy Smoking:weed:


What's the speed of Dark?
2x the speed of light. That's why it's alway darkest before the dawn. Dark is just plain faster and always beats the dawn.

Think about these words, Weed makes you high fool.
The same letters also spell "Weak if homely doghouse" Think about that...

How come food taste good when you're high?
Because I can't cook worth a damn when I'm not high.

Did you ever notice you eat stuff high that you would never eat unhigh?
Yeah, my own cooking.

Did you ever notice that you eat the stuff unhigh from that day after?
But it's never the same...

Illegal Smile

Actually the speed of dark is a good question. Let me put it this way: you have a room that is a 10 foot cube. There is a light bulb in the center of the ceiling. It is on. When it is turned off which part of the room gets dark first and why?

A: the area at the bulb gets dark first. The last emission of light from the bulb is, at least theoretically, at the bottom corners when the area around the bulb is already dark.


Active Member
weed increases reception in the left side of the brain and ...... oh shit I forgot.... ummm but with time your brain is trained to use both sides of the brain equally and you can make decisions not based on fact or emotion.... lol this was a real article untill I butcherd it here...

answer for the "eating the same stuff the day after"
think about how there haaasss to be other creatures or beings on other planets.. theres too many other suns in the universe for there to not be some form of alien


Well-Known Member
When I'm stoned, I get these visions in my head of me dieing the most horrific death imaginable. It's really fucked up.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Actually the speed of dark is a good question. Let me put it this way: you have a room that is a 10 foot cube. There is a light bulb in the center of the ceiling. It is on. When it is turned off which part of the room gets dark first and why?

A: the area at the bulb gets dark first. The last emission of light from the bulb is, at least theoretically, at the bottom corners when the area around the bulb is already dark.
the bulb would go dark 1 - like a lazer light continue to travel forward so when you cut of the light , the rest of the light travles un interupted untill it is ubsorbed by an object it come in contact with


Well-Known Member
When I'm stoned, I get these visions in my head of me dieing the most horrific death imaginable. It's really fucked up.
i would be so scared! how do you enjoy smoking weed?

some times when im really baked i belive i have stoner intuition, but when i think about it sober, i realize im just more rational than all of my friends

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
heres something to think about that me and my guys argue about all the time "if you could have one thing from the sexest female every "top (head) or bottom (pussy) " and you only had enough time for one what would you chose "top or bottom"
me i would go with bottom all day every day for the rest of my life. there nothing better then good bottom

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
dark is always runing from the lite.,.,so it has to be double as fast as lite.,.,there are no shadows on the sun
but also there is no lite in space. there is only light on objects that the lite touches. the lite you see is whats being reflected off


ever wondered what it would be like to meet a different version of yourself?
perhaps a past you who attended a different high school or same family only with an enormous amount of wealth? i would assume it would turn out like back to the future as in small changes would make big changes in your personality and stuff.
or another one is that when i smoke with my friends driving around in cars in 30 years when i tell my children what i did for fun they will think it would've been boring. playing 360 driving in 2005 acura around on streets will seem archaic and boring to them. i drive, my by a train track on my way to work and when i think about explaining that to the youth in 30 years i laugh because they will think of my life as old-fashioned much like i see my dad's days in youth. movies like old school and superbad will be watched they we we watched dazed and confused reliving past high school years.
it's crazy how much work is already happening in terms of industrialization and technology. my friends and i would drive around and smoke in faraway graveyards and housing projects under construction. now when we do that the graveyard has stoplights around it and we now drive through neighborhoods with families living in the once unoccupied houses...

i'm just saying...
thanks for reading what do you all got?


Well-Known Member
Okay guys I came up with some question cause i'm seriously high right now, and i wanted y'all to think about them.

What's the speed of Dark?

Dark is nothing more than the absence of light. it isn't an occurance in itself and therefore has no speed.

Think about these words, Weed makes you high fool.

Um, okay.

How come food taste good when you're high?

Food tastes pretty good when I'm sober, too, depending on what it is. What's your point?

Did you ever notice you eat stuff high that you would never eat unhigh?


Did you ever notice that you eat the stuff unhigh from that day after?


Just a few. Try to answer some of these questions yourself, and if you're with pals write y'all responses.

Happy Smoking:weed:
What a waste of my time.