Somebody shit on my site


Not on my plants, but dam well could have been. When you cross the creek and go up sort of ramp, to the left is my site. Well somebody took a shit on the rocks/gravel on the crossed side of the creek:wall:!!!!.

And left the paper towel:clap:

almost positive it was human shit the way it smelled and how it wasnt full of nuggets(i.e deer,rabbit). i took a pic i hope to upload alil later.

think it was a warning sign that this was their territory?

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
Not on my plants, but dam well could have been. When you cross the creek and go up sort of ramp, to the left is my site. Well somebody took a shit on the rocks/gravel on the crossed side of the creek:wall:!!!!.

And left the paper towel:clap:

almost positive it was human shit the way it smelled and how it wasnt full of nuggets(i.e deer,rabbit). i took a pic i hope to upload alil later.

think it was a warning sign that this was their territory?

IMO, Id say they didnt see it...if there gonna come back and snatch it,a turd is not a warning sign! its a sign saying "my dumb ass just blew the spot,get ur plants there in danger"(well I guess that is a warning, but not an intentional warning)


Well-Known Member
tarzan shat their so you know that your in his territory. shit pics or it never happened.


Well-Known Member
Not on my plants, but dam well could have been. When you cross the creek and go up sort of ramp, to the left is my site. Well somebody took a shit on the rocks/gravel on the crossed side of the creek:wall:!!!!.

And left the paper towel:clap:

almost positive it was human shit the way it smelled and how it wasnt full of nuggets(i.e deer,rabbit). i took a pic i hope to upload alil later.

think it was a warning sign that this was their territory?

Isn't the paper towel enough evidence that it was a human?


Well-Known Member
yeah this dude is telling all of his friends now about your
PLOT or should I say plop , "so I was just taking a shit in the woods..." hahaha u found a turd at your grow site.


Is there a way to upload straight from cell phone? That would be the only way because this USB mass storage isn't being recognized by stupid windows XP

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
^^ hahahahaha yeah that is pretty funny!! and gross. maybe he had to shit bad and didnt pay attention to anything else. you should get a game camera and put it up looking over your plants so you can see if anything sees them.


Well-Known Member
you know, guys every now and then in the organic section post threads about feeding with composted feces and urine.. maybe one of them thought your plants looked hungry...


Well-Known Member
But were there any footprints around your plants. It's possible maybe some poor wino just had to take a dump and it happened to be too close for comfort. I'd throw up some brush or thorns over your old trail and see what happens. If you got people shitting that close something is def wrong with that spot.