Someone Hurt my Family


Well-Known Member
I had someone watch my grow while i was away for a week.

- I had two females that I had been growing for about 6 months and built a 7foot growbox to house a 400w hps. a smaller box for two females about 2 months old each and 6 smaller high grade plants too.

When I came back the two oldest females under the hps were completely freid and no longer resembled the budding females they once were. All but 1 of the 6 smallest plants had also died from temp.

However, the two middle generation plants survived and I now have them under the hps light with upgraded temp. control. For some reason they are only raising their top few sets of branches and the bottom half of the plants are still hanging down. The bottom leaves arent browned or dead at all everything is green but Im not sure what kind of stress is causing them to do this. Maybe they need time to heal or the guy may have mixed the nutrients wrong??? any thoughts appreciated.

This was my first crop and im a sad farmer pourin some out for my two dead girls.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Typo...

SOrry about your loss... trusting people to work with your plants is always risky. Plants are not as easy to take care of as people think... cause you actually have to look atthe plant and make assesments... this requires observations skills usually aquired around the age of 3 or 4... and the common sense of a 3 year old... lol

which most people don't USE

Make sure you keep temps below 80 degrees.
pH your water
and consider transplanting..

pictures please..



Well-Known Member
in a week? what could one do in a week? i mean you could have watered well the day you left then had your buddy water once maybe twice. probably all you wanted anyway. some people think to hard when it comes to growing. i have people over to visit my garden and the first thing they want to do is give me advice on what i should be doing.


in a week? what could one do in a week? i mean you could have watered well the day you left then had your buddy water once maybe twice. probably all you wanted anyway. some people think to hard when it comes to growing. i have people over to visit my garden and the first thing they want to do is give me advice on what i should be doing.
any bad advice you consistantly hear?


Well-Known Member
everyone keeps telling me i need to top my outdoor plants. why? because it will make them bushier. but what about my 1/4 lb cola? huhn?

or you need to tie them down and make them bushier. but i'm already overgrown. so.

or you should clip all your fan leaves. WHAT?

or what's your ph? hahahahahahaha


... i could see if you were worried about the heigth of your plants for security reasons why they would recommend the tying or topping (not that you don't already know of these technique, lol)

but i doubt you've ever expressed to them such a concern... lol

shit... if i had my way i'd have trees veggin under some thousies all winter then put them out in the spring in the ground to get like 10 foot trees come harvest time... that'd be awesome

typo, glad you got a couple survivors, but damn, what a loss!!!
so, what do you figure happened?
did they not follow your instructions?
have you kicked any ass since?

did your friend try and kill himself once they saw they killed your babies?


Well-Known Member
sorry for the hijack typo. yes, i too am glad to see one may pull thru. maybe now would be a good time to take on a new "grow student". once you get involved there is no turning back. hope everything works out for the best.
there is so much that could have went wrong. If they havw been growing that long and have not been flushed they probally had salt buildup covering root system. once that have your plants can not feed properly. and also check the ph and ppm of your water. our water system did something to our water and i lostr 21 beautiful babies that were in 3rd week of flowering. hope htis helps, I know how you feel. peace bd1975