Someone please help me out

Im new to this web site and Ive been growing now for a couple years and some years I produce some killer buds and others I dont! What my question is, is when is the right time to pull my plants, and start drying! I have 1 plant that the buds are all purple and the hairs are almost completly amber, and my others are in full bloom but the hairs are still almost completly white still! Someone help, I don't want to over mature my buds!!


Well-Known Member
Are those different strains? I hear stress factors can cause early maturation, and purple can be a sign of nutrient deficiency...

I pull down my girls a few weeks after I stake them up from falling over. If you have a loop then look at trich color as well as overall appearance compared to how the strain should look...
No the buds are actually purple!! And they are 2 different strands, but they are separated from each other, and I use all of the right fertilizers, but its just the buds that are purple, the leaves are still green and sticky as shit!!


Well-Known Member
2 strains and the buds are purple? ill bet you live somewhere where its cold

i dont like the taste of purple bud. i dont understand the hype over "purp"


Global Moderator
Staff member
With out pictures and more info we're pretty much shooting in the dark here. My guess is that the purp is a strain/temperature issue.
We all wanna help, but need more input.