is she in a 1-3 gal pot? Get it transplanted to no less than 5 before the roots get tangled into the fabric. Don't get me wrong, the air pruning from those are awesome and are the way to go. Only reason i say this is because i was going to do a bunch of small plants in 1 gal fibre pots...then I went

THEYRE TOO BIG I transferred to my 5 gals. Plastic pots are easier for transplanting than your final transplant to fabric...large container...5,7,10 gal. It was a bit stressful on them, but they are rocking now. Its just easier to do now before the root ball fills the container and you're having to water her 1-2 times a day. They get thirstier The bigger they get. Im happy with my 5s, but bigger is no problema!