Something in my Green Dragon? (No BHO Here)


Active Member
No dragon/everclear

this is my largest run for a friend
Over a half pound of sugar leaf trim (white widow)

i don't use a coffee filter to filter the solution because I have 9 ounces to run so I use a metal strainer..

i usually set the Pyrex dish on top of a metal rack in a closet away from everything but this large dish was practically filled to the top with green dragon so I left it in the corner of the room on the floor.

I noticed this build up of white cotton like stuff floating inside the large Pyrex dish.. Can't imagine this is anything toxic or harmful but has any one a clue of what this may be?

Again this is my largest run and i want it to be my best but this is interesting..

All I can think of is dust/smoke (incense) settled within the dish since it was on the floor rather than being elevated in a closed environment.