Something is eating my girls leafs


Hey guys!
So i have some AutoJacks already out, and i see that something bit my girls leafs (cotyledon) and also the first leaf, could this be a slug related ?

So i put them in a small polytunnel, hoping they will make it through !


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Everything will be OK - marijuana is a hard plant to kill - the better the soil and nutrient the better the yields
Hey guys!
The soil i used was some kind of gardening soil and i mixed it with dirt which i have in my backyard.

Should i transplant them to big pots?

I read that autos shouldnt be transplanted

Hey guys!
The soil i used was some kind of gardening soil and i mixed it with dirt which i have in my backyard.

Should i transplant them to big pots?

I read that autos shouldnt be transplanted

Don't transplant autos ever. Reason why is their life span is so short that any bit of stress slows them down (as anyone thy has grown before has seen losing time on plants due too transplanting). Just that few days of recovery will significantly reduce the outcome.
Now for a solution too your can buy stuff called seven dust at walmart n's cheap n kills everything....just spread it around the ground n any nearby NON weed plants. N don't put it on ur plants just around them.
It even soaks into the soil n helps there too over time.