Something Wrong With My Tomato Leaves


Well-Known Member
Well if your feeding them nutrients stop.... or lower the dose... It could be bugs... I would just pull off those leaves.... If it keeps happening consult someone more knolegable them me.


Well-Known Member
how are you watering your tomatos.?

it sounds like you have Early Blight of Tomatoes
it is a fungal growth and it looks like a brown spot with a yellow halo.

Likes the weather over 15c and there is lots of moisture around... Love humidity, or when you over fertilise your tomatoes .
they should be in a spot where there is plenty of sun and air movement.

if Your tomatoes lack serious vigour, older leaves are seriously ugly with spots, and some fruit shows damage (at the stalk end). Check young plants for collar rot.

do not water tomatos by spraying the leaves and plant ,water the ground only.
but once you have it then you have to by using the simple solution below.

the solution is a simple one,,,

To four litres of water, add 3 level teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda and a couple of good splashes of fish emulsion. Give it a good mix and spray it on weekly. Don't apply when it's hot. The Fish emulsion is very useful because it helps to make it stick. It also contains beneficial bacteria that have antifungal properties. And that's not all - the oils in fish emulsion will help to suffocate pests like mites/aphids/scale. You must use it weekly for it to be most effective....:-)