Somewhat Confined Grow Space Help


Active Member
Okay so I'm in the process of constructing a grow room in my attic, however, the space is only 5ft tall from floor to ceiling.

I'm assuming the plant pot will be about 12"-18", the 400w MH/HPS will have to be 12" above the plant, leaving me 4' -3.5' to work with, so what can I do to to make this work short of picking a shorter indica strain?

I've read up on a method called LST where you tie the plant down in very complicated patterns, which is quite frankly too much work for me! Unless it's the only option.

Is there some other method where i can get the plant to grow in a really curvy 'S' pattern or something similar?

I was also thinking of using a very low profile yet wide and long storage tupperware (maybe 6" tall) to use in place of a regular pot. Is this a good idea or no?

Thanks for all you help!


Well-Known Member
Low Stress Training/Supercropping is the best way to keep your plants short and bushy. It also allows more light to penetrate the smaller leaves and branches. LST is very simple and there's lots of ways to do it, the most common is by tying down/bending the branches to grow horizontally instead of vertically. You don't have to spiral the main stalk around the pot, this takes more practice and can cause the stalk to snap in half if you don't do it correctly.

A tupperware container will work fine, but the taller the pot the better. Roots grow downward so the taller the pot is, the more healthy the roots will be.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice Majek! Let me know what you think of this:

I've been researching SCROG alot lately because it seems like it would produce a much greater yield, not to mention shorter plants. I haven't com across a SCROG setup yet that wasn't fairly short. Certainly none that are more than 4' tall.

Thanks again for the thoughts but it seems I've answered my own question, unless I'm mistaken.