Soon, the world will be burning 100 million barrels of oil EVERY DAY


Well-Known Member

A great article that correctly points out that renewables are not putting any meaningful dents in the planet's use of fossil fuels.

The graphs give an excellent representation of the global use of various energy sources- and show that for all the hype and investment in renewables, their total contribution to global energy use is still a rounding error.

If we want to head off catastrophic climate change, fundamental changes must be made.


Well-Known Member
A problem is, governments get the heebiejeebies when population growth slows.
Now you can't have growth, year after year without the energy need growing. Especially not if you are promising improving quality of life.


Well-Known Member
A problem is, governments get the heebiejeebies when population growth slows.
Now you can't have growth, year after year without the energy need growing. Especially not if you are promising improving quality of life.
Scandinavian countries seem to be getting it right.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Decentralized power generation is something I'd like to see more of.

Humans should be composting their shit instead of creating bureaucratic sewage treatment etc.

A free market would address these problems. Gee. thanks government.


Well-Known Member
Decentralized power generation is something I'd like to see more of.

Humans should be composting their shit instead of creating bureaucratic sewage treatment etc.

A free market would address these problems. Gee. thanks government.
It's clear you don't get out much, because a 'free' market is what caused all these problems.


Well-Known Member
Yes but you get taxed so much...
Perhaps, but what you get in return is well worth the investment. You can even look and see exactly what your taxes are paying for. American politicians would never stand for that!


Well-Known Member
Nothing is being created, just redistributed... the dinos didn't seem to mind a little extra co2. Make weeds grow faster!


Well-Known Member
Nothing is being created, just redistributed... the dinos didn't seem to mind a little extra co2. Make weeds grow faster!
Actually, it doesn't. Plants adjust the number of stomata in their leaves to the ambient co2 level.

They won't do well with higher temperature, either.

The more you know...


Well-Known Member
Nothing is being created, just redistributed... the dinos didn't seem to mind a little extra co2. Make weeds grow faster!
It's the rate of release, don't be a moron with moronic talking points.

I'll be awake all night working and thus be able to keep calling out moronic comments, so don't make em!

A great article that correctly points out that renewables are not putting any meaningful dents in the planet's use of fossil fuels.

The graphs give an excellent representation of the global use of various energy sources- and show that for all the hype and investment in renewables, their total contribution to global energy use is still a rounding error.

If we want to head off catastrophic climate change, fundamental changes must be made.
You shit on social equality, Democrats, renewables, etc and call yourself progressive?

You're a Republican in denial using Bernie as cover.


Well-Known Member
It's the rate of release, don't be a moron with moronic talking points.

I'll be awake all night working and thus be able to keep calling out moronic comments, so don't make em!

You shit on social equality, Democrats, renewables, etc and call yourself progressive?

You're a Republican in denial using Bernie as cover.
You didn't read the article. I'm suggesting exactly the opposite, Stinkydigit.

You have all night. Do try and manage some homework.


Well-Known Member
Actually, it doesn't. Plants adjust the number of stomata in their leaves to the ambient co2 level.

They won't do well with higher temperature, either.

The more you know...
So all the co2 people dump intro their grows is actually pointless? Whoda thunk...


Well-Known Member
You didn't read the article. I'm suggesting exactly the opposite, Stinkydigit.

You have all night. Do try and manage some homework.
"A great article that correctly points out that renewables are not putting any meaningful dents in the planet's use of fossil fuels."

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Decentralized power generation is something I'd like to see more of.

Humans should be composting their shit instead of creating bureaucratic sewage treatment etc.

A free market would address these problems. Gee. thanks government.
Co-gen plants will have their place as alternet energy usage becomes more pronounced but the biggest hurdle is the NIMBY groups that block these plants that must be centrally located to work effectively. The one issue with the renewable programs offered here was the outlandish return on investment in Ontario. Just another scheme to help the rich get richer off the backs of others. They have thankfully reduced those returns. As for government versus private, well who the hell knows. Seems it hasn’t worked with government control here, we’ll see, now that we’ve sold off the power Gen part.