Southwest backyard grow


Active Member
attached are photos of the female stepcousin to some indoor plants that are 21 days into flower. It has been trasplanted, left for dead, found to be female and revitalized.

It's got about 32" before it starts to creep over the wall and I'm familiar enough with cannabis to be able to keep it short (unseen) from the neighbors.

My questions:

Is it normal for an outdoor plant to start flowering very early in the season and simply continue to grow vertically as well as flower throughout the grow?

Will the pot its in be large enough for the enitre season or should I put it in the ground?

Nutriet schedule for an outdoor plant?

Any other advice would be appreciated as I've got one indoor grow under my belt but I'm liking this outdoor scene as well.



New Member
looks good that pot will be big enough fosho you dont have to transplant it at all and for flowering nutes i would give em fox farms big bloom and molasses


Active Member
Hey RIU folks,

I'm bumping this thread again so thatsomeone might help me out with a couple questions mentioned earlier.

I'm worried that this plant started flowering to early... and now I'm seeing the pisols turing brown.

I'm planning on just leting it grow...(it's growing about 1.5" a day) until it's ready.

How will I know if I let it go to long?

Any advice would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
when those white hairs turn into bud and it fills out and leaves start browning you should be gettin ready, nice plant looks healthy keep it up


Active Member
Now it seems that the plant has stopped vertical growth altogether.

I would really appreciate some sort of insight into an outdoor grow that started flowering virtually immediately and now the pistols have started to brown/purple.

The flowers are giving off a pungent marijuana smell and I think it might be good smoke, for bagseed, but I'm just not sure if harvest is relatively close or not for several months...



Well-Known Member
yeah i im curently growing some bagseed from mex and my plant started floering early too. mine is only about 10 to 12 inches. and about a week into flowering

ur pots r big enough... but bigger is always better.

even though ur plant is flowering it should still have a good amount of verticle growth throught the season.

as for ur nutrient schedule...idk. is ur grow organic???