Space Cakes Dont Work For Me ?


Good Evening Stoners :weed:

I had some space cakes yesterday i put 7grams of dry northern lights in ( which smashes ya when smoked :D ) i made 13 small cakes, last nite i ate 2 and half and didnt feel anything till after 2 hrs and i only felt a little bit high like id only smoke a quarted of a spliff,

Today as soon as i got in from work i munched 4 so it gave plenty of time to kick in, i ate them at 5.20pm its now 20.21 and i cant feel anything !! wtf is going on ?

the first time i made them i chucked an 8th in to a cake mix didnt melt into butter and i was smashed for about 5 hours !

Heres how iv made the last 2 lots which havnt worked;

half a box of betty crocker cake mix
1 egg
1/4 cup of water
and crumbled 7g of bud into a pan of butter and put on low heat for 10 min stering often.

proper gutterd they havnt worked 7g wasted ! oh well back to the spliff :leaf: