Space Needed For Areoponics


i was wondering for the winter growing will be indoors and my question is what is the smallest space i can put an aeroponic system in for 2 plant maby 3?
and a requirement would have to be it has to be in some sort of grow ox can this be done?

stink hole

Active Member
you can use 5 gallen buckets.....or you can get one of thost rubbermaid bins....2 or 3 plants you dont need a whole lot of space.....what kind of lights are you going to use?
if anything i said here helped you in any way dont for get to +rep......
Like Stink Hole said. I'd go with the 5 gallon buckets. That would give enough space for root growth for each plant and you can also put them in a confined space with ease. Now you just need some lights ;)