Speed method


Well-Known Member
is there a faster way to trim plants? [ I have an overwhelmingly large amount to put up, I'm hand snipping one bud at a time, and it's slow going. I have hundreds of kolas, plus the smaller tips. (Big outdoor grow) I didn't expect to end up with this much. ]
I know they make a bud trimmer, electric thing, but I'm thinking like electric hedge shears..?


New Member
If you have big areas of weed electric shears would be good in my opinion. I use simple scissors...


Well-Known Member
That's a good problem to have though. To much weed at harvest is never a problem. I usually will get a few close friends I really trust Offer to keep them fed and high for there help and it's usually incentive enough If you have friends that don't smoke pay them ......nothing like a harvest with close friends and family....... But if your guna go electric you should check out a thread by. Diabolical 666 she just did a thread on some trimmers check it out or just hit her up and ask her about them. Good luck She's very knowledgeable about growing so check her out. Good luck