Spider Farmer Grow Tent 2x2 (kit) pair with SF-1000

Curious to see how many plants I can work with in the space im thinking 2-3 possibly right now, I'm growing bag seed for my first time as i do have 10 fem seeds (GSCE) from ILGM but the bag seed is my practice grow just to get a feel for things, ill Be topping and LST along with lollipopping my plants. I dont see why i cant fit 2 in but im curious to see what you guys say!


Well-Known Member
3 plants in a 2x2? What grow medium you using.

good luck and welcome to RIU more experienced guys will be along in a moment but 3 plants I don't think so.
3 plants in a 2x2? What grow medium you using.

good luck and welcome to RIU more experienced guys will be along in a moment but 3 plants I don't think so.
I'll be using Coco Coir, 70/30 blend (perlite) along with Fox Farms 3 pack combo of Nutes (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom)
(im well aware of using half strength to maybe even 3/4 of what is recommended) i might even add in some myclium from one of my muchroom grows when I go to compost but thats gonna be with my Fem. seeds.

Frank Warthog

Active Member
You could try 2 autos or 1 photo in that space with an SF-1000. Same light as mine but slightly smaller tent. I grow in coco as well and feed bottled nutes. Do a bit of LST and maximise the space! Good luck!
You could try 2 autos or 1 photo in that space with an SF-1000. Same light as mine but slightly smaller tent. I grow in coco as well and feed bottled nutes. Do a bit of LST and maximise the space! Good luck!
Would you reckon I'd get 1.5g's per watt, so 150 grams a little over a QP? Thats if everything goes smooth with just one plant?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm a new grower myself and I am currently using a 2x2x6 tent alongside the Spider Farmer Sf1000

I'm growing 1 auto in the tent at the moment.

Here's how she's looking :)

Even 1 auto seems to fill up the space quite well so you would need to find smaller autos if you want to fit more inside IMO

Welcome to RIU plenty of useful info and helpful brains here.

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Frank Warthog

Active Member
Would you reckon I'd get 1.5g's per watt, so 150 grams a little over a QP? Thats if everything goes smooth with just one plant?
If I was you I'd ignore the gram per watt stuff for now and just get the tent up and running and dialled in. See what your temps, air flow, humidity etc is with plants in there and make adjustments if required. There's no point trying to run before you can walk.

My personal opinion would be you could either try and LST two autos in that space or you could try a single photoperiod with training (I'd use one of the Feminized seeds for this though) and go from there.