spider mite friggin win not win


Well-Known Member
so i found em and i panic, i took to binning all my chillies and tomatoes over 200 of them. then set them afire , then i calmed down .

since then i have found most pest killers in most contries are better than the uk, for instance we use banned chemicals and always chemical alternatives to natural killers, the USA and Canada aus and nz all seem to do it differently.

rape seed oil is a pesticide used on tree farms
neem oil is used as it kills the breed cycle but you need the oil and the meal to get an effect,
cotton seed oil contains a chemical that stops eating in bugs gynol or somthing
some other oils included coconut oil sunflower oil etc , they work by suffocating them and stopping mobility

i sprayed oils and i stil have the bugs tho the infestation stopped the new eggs and new growth isnt covered so must re apply

now jay kush said lavendar and h2o2 kills em, so i got ir and tryed it and it slowed them down it dislodged the eggs but it didnt kill them there movement was retared for a few hours .
mollasses is said to make them explode so i tested that and it seems to kill them quite well though dissapointed i wanted to see the blood bath in my microscope.

geraniol oil is said to kill bugs and repel them so i ordered some pure ,its from rose, and mainly targets mites
i have dr bronnerscitrus and peppermint too ,
d-Limonene is used as insecticide to control ectoparasites of pet animals, but it has activity against many insects, mites, and microorganisms

silica helps make em strong against bugs
kelp and fish help replenish feed to damaged parts
glycerin helps push waterin into the cells and deliver the nutrients aswel as be oily and sticky for bugs

my plan now i have refound some mites again on 1 plant is to wash everything in citrus and peppermint , floors walls roof etc, once cleaned i will spray a mix of cottonseed oil/sunflower il/neem oil /rape oil with geraniol,lavendar,d limoline to sanitise everything of eggs etc.
then i will spray the plants with spinosad allover which kills them instantly, i will let that dry 24hrs then cover them in fish,kelp,silica,aloe,glycerin to feed them and protect them, on the eve when that is dry i will coat them in a special recipie i found online from a bug companys satey data sheet for mite control, which is a cotton seed oil mix this will cover the leaves and keep everythign on them, aswel as make them unbareable to be on,

i will reapply the treatment in 3 days to the whole room and plants , but keeping the spinosad off the soil

i really want natural pyrethrum but we dotn seem to have any without fake versions or millions of addatives , eg one here said it will make all the leaves black as it destorys the leaf membrane then deliver the drug and protect for 2 weeks, says plants recover in a few weeks, lol seems like more damage than the bugs do,
the pyrethrum we can get is 5ec version in pure and is blody pricey and no 1 decants it lol
id love yates but thats australia, thats can also be used on chickens as a bath
You've been working hard. I have not had spider mites, not recently anyway, but have read citric acid is said to kill them.

Defiantly they burn eh
heard a h202 mollasses kills em bad too and moves egggs
fingers crossed cause I am spraying then flipping and hope for the best
doing this and will apply til week 2 budsites appear then keep on molasses and Spinoza if needed as I heard you can wash buds in mollasses at harvest lol
I get live ladybugs to patrol my plants during flowering- they like to run around the top edge of the pots so I swipe a tiny amount of blackstrap molasses there and they are happy eating that if there are no mites.
Have you tried getting some persimillis predator mites? I've tried every kind of predator nothing does the job like persimillis. Release 2000 of those fuckers once a week for infections and every other week for maintenance. If you get a bad infestation it's like herpes it almost always returns at some point and persimillis has been the cheapest/ most consistent way I've been able to keep those fuckers away.
Persimillis are actually blind but they smell leaves which have been chewed/pierced by spider mites and they go there and eat the mites AND their eggs and once they eat all the mites they eat each other. It's kind of beautiful.