Spider mites + Ally Crop Defender 3

Hello growers, 2 weeks ago I had spider mites so I used ally crop defender 3, the weather was hot and I was 2 weeks Into pre flower. The next day after spraying the fungicide I noticed all the white pistils had turned brown. Today 2 weeks later I noticed webbing and more mites. I have lots of fresh white pistils. I sprayed the remaining bit of my Ally crop defender 3, my question is what can I use to prevent my pistils from turning brown? Are the brown pistils going to effect my smoke? Are they burnt and dead? Will I be smoking burnt dead pistils? How to get rid of these mites. Outside growhouse first time grower. Need help please.



Well-Known Member
In most cases you need to spray a couple times over a couple weeks to break the mites life cycle, particularly if they were to the web stage. From egg to egg laying adult in optimum condition it can be 5-20 days. A lot of sprays burn the pistils, while not pretty while growing, they’re going to turn brown eventually not matter what.. unfortunately there’s not a lot you can spray during flower.