Spider mites and Jack Herer - with some CM thrown in


Active Member
I have finally reached the last stages of Jack Herer grow - first though I had to get rid of spider mites..again. Usually, during Winter(Sth Hemi here..) they die off but it seems my sheds were the only place they wanted to survive. So I dealt with them using predatory mites and now it seems they are finally gone. I have wanted to grow JH for many years now but first the seeds were too expensive, later the smites kept attacking, year after year. So I planned it, growing Critical Mass was easy except for the smites but not enough oomph!!IMGP0380.jpgIMGP0379.jpg to help medicinally. This is the first of 3 big mothers, 38 days in..:?:...seems another month maybe required,,,what do you think?