Neem oil will completely biodegrade in 2 weeks so you are safe to spray and drench your plants until two weeks before harvest with it.
Go in during lights off (at least 4 hours before they come on) and nail them with a mixture of neem / dish soap / water (or aloe) to make the neem stick to the plant. You will want to coat both top and bottom of the leaf. Apply liberally, but mix at the rate the product you use says (Dynagro, Einsteins are both awesome using seed extract from neem) Use the mixture also to drench the soil/medium you are growing in to give your plant some extra protection after you nail it with the foliar. Repeat 5-7 days later to wipe out the reproductive capability of any remaining spider mites.
You will need to apply neem every 10-14 days if you want to use it as a preventative measure , using it as a drench works great as a preventative as well.
I have never ventured outside of the uses of neem, because I only garden organically,and it has worked well for me. Lady Bugs never hurt either on the organic side for any sort of pest prevention.
Good luck with your fight against the BORG