Spider mites

I use neem oil..
During outbreak first week they get it every other day (paying special attention to undersides of leaves) for the first week then once a week after.... All my plants are on a once a week regimen. I have no pest issues doing this.
Spray right before lights go out as neem can possibly cause light burn. I also lightly spray top of my pots (mulch is my cover) just enough to saturate the top inch or two to keep fungus knat down. Works well.
My neem applications have wipe out spidermite infestations rather easily in the past, I can attest and stand by my advise.
Happy growing!
While not for spiders, this works for me for flying bugs without spraying anything on my weed.

There are a couple DIY videos to make your own with Vaseline. Works great.
Coulda hit your local bunnings up for some..
I used eco neem can use it right threw till early flower aswell.
There is a few different ways about getting rid of spider mites, some work better then others an depends on what stage your plants are at.
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Thank you I just order me some Neem oil
stop spraying this when you're about 4 weeks before chop. In week 4 FLWR I usually just mist with regular water, the girls seem to like it and also I believe it keeps my flowers clean and the mites hate it. I have been using only this product for 3 years (over 36 harvests) and have yet to notice ANY effects whatsoever in my product contrary to those who have had bad experiences. I reccommend using slightly lower than specified dosage in the first few weeks to monitor any ill effects. I am very certain this is a good ORGANIC fix to your mites freeloading of your girls!