spider mites


Active Member
how much dish soap to water should i use
have been using foxfarm don't bug me but haven't got the $$$ heard the dish soap works does this damage the plants
they were only in my veg tray cleaned it out sprayed plants seems to have worked so far but just in case does the soap work


Active Member
SOAP IM SURE HELPED ME. I JUST PUT A COUPLE TEESPOONS IN MY SPRAY BOTTLE THEN FILLED IT UP. ALSO TRY HOT SHOTS-- no pest strips. we threw a couple of those in the room. and it worked nice.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, Your Babies are sick... 98% chance that you have used chemical ferts that caused unnatural stess on the plants. We fuck up every time we try to improve Nature, as opossed to working with Her. Do you need to flush... Why give your Baby something that needs to be flushed away? A Toixc, then non-Toixc? Ask the Fert Marketing Experts what your Babiy needs. They will tell you what they have to sell. Then sell you some more chem shit to "solve" the problem, ditto. Dishwashing liquid coats everything to sufficate the plant cells & insects, causing death & more problems. Your plant can't absorb proper light with this chemical mask on her face, not to mention the chems absorbed. When She popped the seed, she had the ability to build up an Immunity System, which was deleted by Chem Nutes, now , we have problems. Spider Mites only attacks sick plants. If She had what she wants, she would deal with it herself, like a lot of other things, if given a half-assed chance.
Spray Liquid Seaweed on Her every 7 to 10 days, that will kill the Mites & your Baby will love you for it.... But the reason for the stress needs to be dealt with. Because of the sickness that invited the Mites, you Babies are 1/2 of their potential, as it stands right now. This is not Personal, but for all of the RIU People. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I use safer 3 in 1 pest control, you can get it at home depot and the stuff rocks. Use it once a week for a month and all spider mites will be done with.


Well-Known Member
Safers is good. But hasn't killed all in one of my grows, had to do a combined spray bomb of safers, pyrethium, and neem oil. MAKE SURE to spray the complete underside as well. And water down the neem oil, it can clogg the stomata.



Well-Known Member
Safer has usually worked for me, if it doesn't I use a little diluted neem oil. You can buy the safer concentrate and dilute it down. I just got a few quarts that were on sale at the home depot for $6. It should make gallons, so I will be set with that for a while.

If safer doesn't work for me, I buy a bunch of ladybugs. Let a little bit go and see how that works. Don't let them die in your nutes though, it can cause mold and fungus. You can always store ladybugs in the fridge for a good amount of time (although I always feel bad doing so). :)

You can get ladybugs at The Do It Center, if you've got one near you, otherwise:

1500 ladybugs for $6.50 or 300 for $3.85:


Hope that helps!

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Spider Mites .... EEEEK. Man I hate them ... It's true they primarily infest plants that have been stressed usually with hot dry conditions. If you take a mag scope and really look at your plants your bound to find a few mites ( you never get rid of every single mite) and they won't be a problem until conditions are just right then Bam they flourish. I use preditor mites to combat them and have not has an outbreak since. I figure the cost of the preditors is worth it because spider mites will decrease your yield.