Spider mites


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, recently had a bit of a problem wit spider mites, went and bought some organic spidermite spray and that seemed to work pretty well although it hasnt totally got rid of em, theres still the odd one or 2 spider mite pottering about, i dont wana keep spraying them now cos im well into flower, plus its super difficult as there so big and bushy i cant get to all of it.

Whats gona be the safest way to finish off the spider mites at this stage and make sure im gona be ok for harvest? Shall i get a load of ladybugs in to finish the job???


Active Member
not just any lady bugs my friend lol Use spider-mite destroyers alon with spider-mite predators... when spider-mite ifestation is high..
these tiny beetles eat all stages of spider-mites, and find new infested spots by flying around :)
the destroyer eats more than 40 mites per day, living up to 4-5 weeks Life cycle takes 18 days at 70 degrees....and there eggs take shorter amount of time then spyder mites to hatch that way they are always on top of the gamne :) they work I got some for my problem and they arent ever comeing back :) you can order them online and what not :) cheers man hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i had a similar experience, little bastards showed up during flower(actually i noticed them)
you are going to be hard pressed to eliminate them, at least without doing something bad to the bud
mite eaters sound good, i did have some ladybugs that i found in my house and i dumped i the grow chamber
they were great, i'd see them working over the leaves on search and destroy missions for those stinking mites


Well-Known Member
Sounds good guys, what are the actual name of these 'spider mite destroyers' and where can i get em??


Well-Known Member
Use Hot Shot no-pest strips found at home depot etc.

Hang these in your grow area and it slowly releases a gas that kills them. Doesnt absorb in to plant. Just dont use it in your bedroom.
Man up and get in there and spray your plants, there are plenty of organic sprays on the market that are safe up until the last week. Adding more insects in to your indoor grow room does not sound like something appealing to me. Plus dead bugs on my buds is a turn off.


Organic spray and neen oil will only slow the problem, but not solve it.
Dirty environment = mite infestation opportunity. At the moment you can keep spraying them or release some bug, or even use some hardcore chems...
Then when you have the chance, scrub that room down with bleach. :D


Well-Known Member
Organic spray and neen oil will only slow the problem, but not solve it.
Dirty environment = mite infestation opportunity. At the moment you can keep spraying them or release some bug, or even use some hardcore chems...
Then when you have the chance, scrub that room down with bleach. :D
Actually neem oil will solve the problem just not quickly but efficiently and will completely aradicate the problem! Neem oil will shut down the reproductive organs of any insect that feeds on it.

Neem oil is most effective as a prevention, it eliminates the possibility of an outbreak!

No one told me either, so I also had to learn the hardway.

Four cans of doctor doom used with neem oil over a two week period will aradicate the problem!

That is just my input.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for No Pest Strips, just use carefully and as directed

Had a huge infestation myself and the NPS stop them dead in their tracks, now I'm just trying to kill off any offspring by using the NPS a few hours a day while the lights are out and all ventilation is off.