spider mites?

Hong Chong

Active Member
Ive got some plants out in the forest right now, there potted for the time being, 1 gallon pots, there about a month old. Early wonder skunk if your wondering the strain, anyway, I went to check em out today and noticed that 1 of em had a little web dangling from the leaf to the edge of the plastic pot. I seen some little white dots in the web, im wodnering if these are spider mites or waht? they looked like some sort of tiny spider but there is no leaf damamge, i jsut ripped off the web and killed about 5 timy little spiders that were runnin around in there. the top couple centimetres of the soil is dry, and ive got the pots sitting in trees, the one tree that the pot was sitting on also had some webs on it so i moved it to a different location. Are these spider mites? I killed one running up the stem and killed another few that were walkin on the soil, there very hard to spot but I didnt see anymore after that. I think they were white, possibly one of em was green? Hard to tell cause they are small like I said. Any sugestions or help?