spidermites days b4 harvest

hi i have noticed really fine webbing in the main cola. there is only a lil bit of webbing and i am wondering if just showring them and keeping them constantly wet will get rid of them?

also i put nute on them for the first time in 2 weeks yesterday, if i keep plain water on them constatly will it still be a harsh smoke?


Well-Known Member
most will tell you just go back to plain water.
as far as the mites go, depending on how far away from harvest you are i would try neem oil. some say cold water works.
but i wouldnt usetoo much water during late flowering because of mold


Well-Known Member
hot shot pest strip at home depot $6.put it in the bucket of the plant its good for 4 months so you can move it to your next plant when this one is done.