Spiders for my closet garden?


Man, I was toking. And then I thought, just so I'll never have spider mites indoors, I should get some kind of high tech guard working. I first thought a praying mantis would be tight, but since they eat a lot and don't stay put I don't think he would do well because I thought what kind of schedule will he work? He can't just survive there I would have to feed him in a cage and etc. So maybe a gardening spider would work? I'm not scared of spiders but idk some harmless spider I wouldn't mind lurking on guard for bugs on my plants [:. bongsmilie;-)


Well-Known Member
You will probably find that if there are bugs there you probably already have spiders. Spiders get a bad rap, but they rarely are problematic, and are great at controlling bugs :)
I was thinking about that to, but your ganna have to get a spider that makes a web and i wonder if that will effect budding and so on im def ganna try it. Glad to see some one else thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
I just killed a jumping spider because I was scared it was going to eat my newly growing babies just now. I didn't know they were helpful. I just hope it comes back or has friends :(

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I just killed a jumping spider because I was scared it was going to eat my newly growing babies just now. I didn't know they were helpful. I just hope it comes back or has friends :(
All spiders are insectivores. I would like spiders better if they grazed on grass or something. :p

Of course living in New Mexico everything is barbed, stingered, fanged or clawed. And 90% of them are poisonous. We even have a poisonous lizard. Spiders around here are either trying to poison you or eat you. I hate them.


Well-Known Member
I once had a little spider, it was super small, about half cm wide, but he stood on my spider mite infected plant for about 4 days, time in which he devoured almost all of them. Ever day I saw him standing on his favourite leaf, and when I started spraying he always knew it's time to go under the leaf. All well until one day when I sprinkled some water and a few drops fell on the table on which I had the plant, and the little spider came down his web right into one of the drops. unfortunately he couldn't be saved, but nonetheless my spider mites were gone :)

~The End~


Well-Known Member
All spiders are insectivores. I would like spiders better if they grazed on grass or something. :p

Of course living in New Mexico everything is barbed, stingered, fanged or clawed. And 90% of them are poisonous. We even have a poisonous lizard. Spiders around here are either trying to poison you or eat you. I hate them.
gila monster? I heard if you run one over mechanics don't even want to change your tire..


Well-Known Member
spiders would be a bad idea, imo. Yes, they will eat a few insects, but they won't make a dent in the insects that are hurting your garden. Also they spin webs will will get tangled up in your weed and will be hard to clean out.