spin pros...


New Member
Hey guys. ive been making hash for friends recently from the trim from their grows... and its junk. its all fan leaves. no sugar leaf. these boneheads are doing it ALL WRONG!!!!!

cut the fuckin fan leaves off. throw them out. cut the buds off. put them aside. when youre done, put those leafy buds in the spin pro. few spins. and done. not only are you not wasting a full night with 10 guys clipping, but theyre ending up with a big bag of junk... 1 gram of hash per lb... thats 1 gram out of every 450 grams.... like a .25% return. pathetic.

but with the spin pro. it can be all done with 1 guy. no paying people to trim. no heatscore. no sore muscles. and it seperates the good leaf from the shit. am I right or am I right?

problem is, theyre a bunch of cheap/broke asses who would rather spend 100$ on scissors and spend 10 hours with 10 guys trimming... then to buy 1 spin pro machine for less than 200$ and have it pay itself off the first night... then once you run that trim and make some primo hash. the spin pro pays itself off 3 more times.

if you want something done right, do it yourself. so I am considering buying a spin pro for these idiots myself out of my own money so they can start doing this shit properly and maybe bring me some decent material to play with and go 50/50 on... I imagine that spin pro will pay itself off for both of us.. as long as it works good and doesnt break.

I am just wondering.. what one of these would be the best, and which are complete garbage? I kinda like the middle one.. I have no problem spending 200$... but $300+ is a little tough to swallow.

$200: http://www.ebay.com/itm/X3049-Pro-C...756?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d09a01874

$210: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PRO-QUALITY...479?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c653be29f

$300: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SPIN-PRO-PR...161?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae2a26129
i have a trim pro best 1500 i ever spent
went from 8 guys sitting around a kiddy pool for 5 days to 3 guys in 2 days
it paid for its self with just the wax i made not to mention i was paying 15 to 20$ an hour
if u only made a gr off a p throw that shit out

trim pro is def bad ass... but for the 20 or 30 plants we got lol. that would turn it into a 3 minute job for 1500$... I think 1 hour with the spin pro for 200$ is the best haha

and yeah, it was mostly fan leaves.. it wasnt the best but I didnt want to offend the guy and be a dick.. he was kinda proud of his "savings" so I didnt want to rain on his parade... I toughed it out and taught him how to make it, all the tips and tricks, and what to do next time hes trimming his next grow.

the water was green, and the hash the first night was green.

after it dried... it wasnt as green. still wasnt the most potent hash, but it wasnt too too bad actually. I smoked a hoot or 2 and it got me ripped.

he got I think 6 grams dried.. enough to get him and a few buddies ripped for 3 or 4 days... definitely worth the 3 hours and 10$ in ice it took even if the return was ridiculously low. I think he was happier about the fact that it was 100% made by him. kinda cool. ive never done something like that before, dont think he has either and hes 50 years old.

it was maybe 3 lbs or so of wet trim... really hard to estimate. I know that 90% of the leaves had 0 crystal on them though (from what I can see)
it wasnt the best but I didnt want to offend the guy and be a dick.. he was kinda proud of his "savings" so I didnt want to rain on his parade.

u sir r nicer than me someone pulls that shit on me i will show them the door and they can take thr garbage too
nah. im not like that. im not some arrogant big time pro asshole who is too snobby to deal with the little guys. I am a little guy. im still learning myself and like helping my friends, and I really like teaching. I just like the fact that I got the abilities to turn a garbage bag of junk trim into 10 grams of hash which I can sell for 500$ with my own bare hands. feels good to have that knowledge. I consider them practice. they didnt know any better... they saved everything, just in case. for when someone like me comes along and can somewhat sort it out and maybe turn their shit into gold.
not gonna lie, I make good money on the hash. I normally sell it for 40 but can get 50 from some people if the hash it real nice. I am in the oil patch. thats 1 hour wage for most guys. stuff in canada is ridiculously expensive. you should see the prices of some of the items in the bong shops here... fucking nuts!!!

and unfortunately, I totally fucked up and didnt get pictures either time!!! youre not missing much though.. probably woulda just laughed and talked shit lol.

the hash I got from the pictures in page 1 was a little blondish very very light brown. it was pretty good. no where near full melt. looked like pressed crystal. we powdered it to smoke it and filled a bowl. after it was all dried, it was like 9 grams. way lower than I figured but most of the leaves were junk.

the other hash, like I said was pretty green, like the material that we put in. the second day after it dried it wasnt as green... but still kinda greenish. 2 big puffs definitely got my head spinnin. they were sure proud of it. I wasnt going to be a know it all prick and rag on their home made hash... I brought several different grades that ive acquired and let them sample everything... I think they got the point that theirs was the lowest of the 5 grades in the house that day.

I had a black hash, which is kinda junk. then I got my blonde hash that I made in the bubble bags... its pretty good, not full melt though. then I got some older, full melt red hash from the bubble bags that is pretty damn potent. easy to handle. and then I had this fresh, super super sticky, stinky, beautiful full melt hash. it was perfect, best ive ever seen. had a 1 gram sample of each I brought, packed a bowl and gave them all a hoot of each. they loved it. also brought a gram of nice BHO and gave them a big rip of that... they were couch locked all night! my little extract baggie got them fucked right up! then they had their green hash... so I think he kinda got the point. I told him you cant make chicken soup out of chicken shit.

I think I am going to order the 200$ spin pro device and bring it over when theyre near harvest and surprise the hell out of him. well do it right this time and maybe make some high quality hash.
make sure you have them dry it out correctly, i think i blast my trim within 10 days of being off the plant the sooner the better
dry the trim? they probably didnt do it right. Im not sure how, but it ended up in the deep freeze for like 6 months until we finally got around to making it.
WTF is wrong with ppl in CA bubble hash is 5-20 a g if ur buying one for 220 i can get a zip or so

"WTF is wrong with people" is right... when the price of bubble hash is LOWER than the price of weed.... someone fucked up something up along the line regarding pricing.

like I said... 40$ a gram is 1 hours wage. how much does an hours wage get you in your area? around here, 1 hour in the patch gets ya 1 gram of bubble hash lol. stuffs expensive here.... but we also make way more too so it kinda evens out. if it was 220 a zip, I wouldnt even be looking for lbs of weed anymore for 2800$, id be buying pure bubble hash at that price.