Spiral CFL, T5, or T8.


Well-Known Member
Okay, this may be a noob question but dgaf. I've seen a few people saying they like the T5's or T8's better than spirals or the other. My question is what's the difference? Again sorry if this sounds dumb but I just wanna have all my bases covered before I start this next build.


Active Member
T5's are more efficient than T8's but more expensive. They work fine for grow lights. Also you can buy the plant grow lights for them which dont really exist for cfl spirals. CFL spirals work just fine and are the least expensive. I like the CFL's because you can puit the light where you want it instead of spreading out like a fluoro. tube does.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much the idea I had. Even if I had more space id just make reflector domes to gather as much light as possible and have an area for a few plants at a time. I've seen quite a few people do side by side grows of different sizes same strain and all but found the smaller plants more efficient at producing yeild per sq foot. And I'm not good with the fans and all so I like the low heat. Just my two cents haha