Spots on leaves and slightly curled up tips


Hello kind of new to the sport (1st grow) and I am experiencing some problems.

Soil: Biobizz All Mix
Nutrients: Biogrow, Bioheaven, Biobloom, Topmax
Watering PH: 5.9-6.2
I am 7 weeks in Veg and just 4 days ago I transplanted them from 8 liters to the final 18 liters pots.
The next day after the transplant one of the plants became as shown in pictures.

As far as I know it could be a magnesium deficiency or maybe manganese???



Well-Known Member
7 weeks in veg can't be a good thing, why so long? I veg 3 or 4 weeks this is from seed to flowering ~
I top the plants at 2 weeks or so let'em go another week or two till their 15" or so.


New Member
7 weeks in veg can't be a good thing, why so long? I veg 3 or 4 weeks this is from seed to flowering ~
I top the plants at 2 weeks or so let'em go another week or two till their 15" or so.
Nothing wrong with a 7 week or even longer veg if you want big plants with big yields.


I am a little late, I know.The thing is I topped them with Uncle Ben's method when they were about a month in veg. Then I waited three more weeks to develop and just today I switced the lights to 16/8 (tomorrow 14/10 and the day after 12/12). The taller main collas are about 45-50 cm at this moment.

I forgot to mention that the plant with these spots had the highest runoff ph (8.4) of them all before two weeks which I managed to get it at about 7.6 runoff in the last watering and I hope it will fall even downer with all the new soil after transplant (Ι didn't counted runoff on the transplant watering).
So watchhowIdoit maybe you are right about sudden ph shift.

The question is: Could it be magnesium deficiency? I was thinking of making a foliar feeding with EPSOM SALTS. Does it sounds right or should I wait some days to see if it gets any better?


New Member
I am pretty sure its not a magnesium deficiency. I would give them a week or so to get use to their new homes and monitor for spreading. Good chance it may work itself out.....


DSC_0012 crop.jpg

Ok here's a photo about 5-6 days later with the hps OFF. As far as I can see there is no significant difference, no spreading no reduction.
The Runoff PH is now about 6.4.

Is this photo drops to any conclusions?

Note: The spots are exist on the 4th node of each one of the main colas and only there. Wtf?