spotted leaves


Active Member
OK I thought my garden was under control. I have them under a 1000w light, I water only when dry I have stopped using nutes bcause we just got over nute burn. Now the leaves have spots not brown but more of whitish spots. I have them on a 12/12 cycle of light. Also how often should I use nutes?


Active Member
Some pictures would be nice but it seems like you have a spider mite problem. I say problem because most growers use the term infestation losely and frankly it scares people to death. To do a quick test look at the leaves that have the spots. Look under the leaves with a magnifying glass. You should see tiny spider mites. Another good indicator is small webs on your leaves. Do some research on spider mites and I think you will find your answer. And don't freak out if it is you can keep them off bay with the right stuff. I'm currently trying out the no pest strips from orkin look at my post in the plant problem section and if your leaves look mine then you have spider mites ! good luck