
Tried to upload vid bit not letting me so took a photo not a great pic but you can see what it is


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They are harmless but annoying and gross. I do the h202 mixture as mentioned in earlier post. It kills big ones but the tiny babies survive. I do it when I see there numbers climbing. One got huge somehow. It looked like a baby scorpion. Once u water they come out like scavengers moving quick. They're not bad enough for me to buy new soil. I keep reusing my old stuff.
They are harmless but annoying and gross. I do the h202 mixture as mentioned in earlier post. It kills big ones but the tiny babies survive. I do it when I see there numbers climbing. One got huge somehow. It looked like a baby scorpion. Once u water they come out like scavengers moving quick. They're not bad enough for me to buy new soil. I keep reusing my old stuff.
There is a fair few of them to say the least... I do have neem oil. But thunk ill try h202 mix and see what happens ✌️
Like people say: they are harmless and everywhere, but if you have lots of them it could be a sign you are keeping the soil a bit too wet.

Edit: ah, it was in coco...
Update.... yep fkn millions of them lol... H202 arriving Monday so will try it out and keep you all posted... plants look healthy enough... just added the other philzon 1000w LED.. so 2 in the tent... only pulling 100w each from wall so should be OK.... if anyone knows different pls let me know.... P.S I do have a 300w spider farmer but dimmer is broken...
Microblift is very affective with Spingtails. they can really populate fast. As far as I know, they have no beneficial value. They just eat at your small capillary roots and overtake your plants really fast... I mentioned this in another thread earlier. 1 drop per 2 gallons will kill them out.
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Microblift is very affective with Spingtails. they can really populate fast. As far as I know, they have no beneficial value. They just eat at your small capillary roots and overtake your plants really fast... I mentioned this in another thread earlier. 1 drop per 2 gallons will kill them out.
Loads of people are saying that they r beneficial to the plants as they eat rotting matter.. and there poop is apparently good also bit I honestly do t mind them just need to reduce numbers and finish this grow then get some gold leaf coco nd pebble mix start fresh lol... like I mentioned I have H202 en route so I'll see how it goes.. thanks for the input really appreciate your time..
stratiolaelaps scimitus mites work really well. They love to eat (among other things) fungus gnats, thrips larvae, and springtails, and can live for weeks without food. Kinda like having bouncers in your soil keeping the bad company out. They live in the top maybe inch of substrate, and don't harm roots.
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stratiolaelaps scimitus mites work really well. They love to eat (among other things) fungus gnats, thrips larvae, and springtails, and can live for weeks without food. Kinda like having bouncers in your soil keeping the bad company out. They live in the top maybe inch of substrate, and don't harm roots.
So u just replacing one pest with another.
I got em now and just keep they numbers down. I could get rid of em all if I did h202 drench for a week strait but why bother.
Microblift is very affective with Spingtails. they can really populate fast. As far as I know, they have no beneficial value. They just eat at your small capillary roots and overtake your plants really fast... I mentioned this in another thread earlier. 1 drop per 2 gallons will kill them out.
Are you sure it's the Microbe-Lift and not just them drowning?