Well-Known Member
So spring is apon me and neighbours r out cleanin there yards and I'm shitting bricks cuz I'm afraid they may smell m grow. I use a filter but its old and I'm unsure the quality of air it puts out. The air gets exghaustted into the walls of my house and I'm sure some goes outdoors as well as another room of my home. Every now and then I get a small hint of weed inside and out. I'm not sure if its real or my mind is playing tricks on me. It do not smell it all the time nor is it strong so I guess the filter is doin its job. I'm jus scared a nieghbour my have a better nose then me and smell it while they r outside enjoying the weather. Another house near me got busted and on the news the neighbours said they had smelled the grow. Am I jus paro or should shut down? Perhaps jus perpetuating an oz or 2 a month for personal till fall comes round. Any ideas?