Sprite, Marijuana and Cancer

In 2010, Sprite modified the opening to its 600mL bottles in order that it could no longer be used as a means to smoke cannabis. Are they concerned about the harmful effects of Marijuana smoke?

Marijuana Soda Provides a High Without the Smoke

There is a new development by one Colorado soda company which has produced a line of sodas that have an unusual ingredient: marijuana. Dixie Elixirs has made their drinks available to anyone with a prescription for medical marijuana.

A fascinating article I found on StumbleUpon....any thoughts?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
haha i found a pic of what people were doing with the bottles. at first i didn't get it. i think it's hilarious that they thought this was enough of a problem to sit in a board room and revamp a design. surely they have better things to do.



Well-Known Member
Weed root-beer es muy tasty! I never knew the company was based in Colorado, we get those sodas here in California... glad to see that people are making enough money from buds that they can ship their product.