Sprout with no leaves


Well-Known Member
Seed sprouted but didn’t throw leaves... Been like this for 2 days... is it a dud?


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I had one stop growing after forming its first true leaves. I left it alone for like 10 days. No growth on top, but a ton of roots on the bottom. Had to kill it.
Maybe too wet at the wrong time, got cold and stalled, started again. Something got damaged, you poked it in the wrong spot checking it (don’t lie lol) jk.. Chances are it will recover and grow. If it’s bag seed just start over. If it’s legit a weirdo, hard to tell from pic, trash it. If it is slow moving forward, trash it. Edit.. phone was jacked, yeah trash it... I can see better now, if it’s a $$ seed and you have time to kill, could give it a few, if it didn’t even out and green up soon, trash it lol.