Sprouted but not growing when planted...


I sprouted my seeds and then planted then in prepaired soil. They live in front of my arcadia door with plenty of sun exposure and ventilation from a near by fan. The sprouts hav been in dirt for now 7 days with no signs of them appearing. Did they not make it or does it take longer?



Well-Known Member
dumb question but, you continued watering? A week old sounds like they are dead, or really slow-a taproot should usually show with 24 hours, and then greens maybe a day or 2 later?


Yes I am making sure the soil does not dry out. This is my first time trying so still trying to learn by reading the info. provided here. I am not a green thumb so it takes more effort for me. <sigh>


Well-Known Member
ya im no pro either-haha I literally lost 4 of Sannies fem seeds (cuz of stupid things) haha but sorry man you might have DOA seeds :( Better start a new set :( But if you can keep old ones too who iknows maybe they are just slow


I think ur right! I started 3 and just unearthed one to see the progress under the soil. I couldn't even find the sprout. Grrrrr! I will sprout again but can you direct me to a thread the has easy to follow instructions for us growing impaired. ;) I want to grow inside and the strains I have are Cheese and Pinapple Kush. Thx for you quick replies and help!


Well-Known Member
well iid suggest chilling here in newbie central-or go to indoor section-surely enough you can find info on here-along with best places to order seeds (attitude, nirvana, Sannies) and ya man best of luck! When growing indoors you must also decide your medium are you sticking soley to soil?


Yes, sticking to soil as of now. I used miracle grow with perlite and organic mulch then water with thrive and fish nutes. There is so much info. on here that I am getting information over load. LOL! So many ways of doing things.

Can u over water? Maybe I need a light vs just the arcadia door. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
ooooooh I heard Miracle Grow is horrid, ummmm you mean superthrive? That additive should only be used like 1-2 a week, ummmm and yes you can over water! Also the light from your arcadia should have been plenty to sprout these seeds :)

but ya man you gotta dedicate

to whatever system you want-for me I chose Hydro!


Well-Known Member
ya observe them all they have their own advantages, but the big decision is how YOU choose to grow :)

Luck man!