sprouting seeds ?

hey guys i have a question about germinating/sprouting seeds. so i recently germinated 6 super skunk and 6 bag seeds using the paper towel method. when the seeds opened i put them start into wet rockwool and watered twice/three times a day. when the germinated seeds penetrated the surface of the rockwool i moved them under lights (18/6).
now its been roughly 2/3 days since most have been under lights and it seemed the super skunk were having a hard time reomving its shell but still growing?
so i removed the shell of two and they have opened up but the other two have stayed closed in(even after removing the shell)? is that normal for day 2? or even day 3 for some?
oh by the way the bag seed are doing just fine minus a little stretching from have the hps fairly high.

hps 430 watt

ph is 5.8 - 6

no nuts

temp is 23C - 25C


Well-Known Member
They should b fine. Some times they take a few days to really open up and get goin. I wouldnt worry about it to much. Now if its like a week or more and tbey havnt done anything then id get a little worried but it shouldnt b a problem.