Stadium grow - (White Widow, Blueberry, North. Lights) Suggestions? Advice?

Hello fellow gentleman, & ladies. Long time guest, finally threw in the towel and signed up!

Well here is the deal...

Me and my friend finally scored this decent garage to grow in. It is an uninsulated 2 car garage. Unfortunately we only have access to one half of this garage.

I ordered my seeds from I got the tri-pack with White Widow, Blueberry & Northern Lights #5. (10 seeds of each strain, 30 total)

Our current plan is to build a smaller room on our side of the garage via framing/insulation and drywall finish. Inside will be a stadium setup; 4 rows of 5 plants (20 plants) on either side.

Down the center, between the stadium seating, we will be using either (3) 1000w MH lights or (2) 1000w MH lights + (1) 1000w HPS light.(Any suggestions)

I haven't quite pinned what I would like to do with the intake/exhaust ventilation, but that is the least of my design worries at the moment.

Hydroton medium filled, 5 gallon bucket planters will drip feed the plants and then recirculated to a main 15+ gallon reservoir and re-dripped; pumps will be on automatic timers. The main reservoir will also have a few air stones constantly pumping air into it in order to ensure proper oxygen delivery to the root system.

Will have oscillating fans in the adjacent corners of the room to keep the air moving inside the room and to strengthen the girls.

Then building a small cabinet for the Momma Bears.

Obviously all the "must-haves" will be used as well:
- distilled water
- nutrients (havent decided what to use yet)
- pH gauge
- humidity/temperature gauge


Couple things I haven't came up with a conclusion to yet:
- c02 delivery? maybe a faq on the subject?
- drip construction?
- some type of spinning light system? maybe moving to air cool and prevent heat-spots?

Any other suggestions or idea would be much appreciated!

Thanks Guys!

(between the last harvest herb im chiefing and planning this out all night, my brain isn't properly functioning right now :P)



Active Member
i just started my stadium, difference is i'm using 100 little plants instead of a smaller amount of larger plants. although i'm new to growing my advice would be to use 2 hps on the outsides with a metal halide in the middle. only reason is that i have read on cannabis culture that the best buds are supplemented with mh... specific advice was one 1 mh for every 3 hps... so 25%. sounds like your doing it the other way. now, northern farmer used all mh bulbs with success, he said that mh was cooler and left buds with a better bag appeal. if you havn't seen his stadium grow google 'northern farmer stadium grow'. his is the grow that i am emulating. good luck.