Stalk is thicker above first leaves, leaning over.


Active Member
Check my girl today and noticed she was leaning a bit. Leaves look good, roots are white, but the stalk coming from the rock wool is thinner than at the nodes!

I do still have the water almost touching the rock wool if that makes a difference, wasn't going to lower it until my next res change. It's on week two, and I had a fan on it since the end of week 1. The stalk below the cotyledon's also started purple, but now seem to be tearing and turning green. I never noticed this, but I assume it's a good thing.

I propped the plant up with clay pebbles so she's straight now. Is everything ok, or is there something that might be going wrong? I'm hoping the thickness grows downwards.

EDIT: ph read 6.1, since the water touches the pebbles, it keeps raises the ph to near 6.3 every few days.


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Active Member
It's fine.
You won't recognize it in a couple weeks.
Thanks, this is my 2nd dwc project and I wanted to eliminate the mistakes I made from the first one. I'm using RO water now, but once she starts drinking in flower, I'm switching to my 110ppm tap water. I just hope I don''t run into a whole new slew of issues then...