standard HPS, Super HPS, or "Low K Red" Lamp best for Flowering?


I have a question to put to the experienced members of the community. Which of these three choices produces the largest bud - HPS, Super HPS/CMH/PSMH (spectrum enhanced, more blue), or these lights which we'll call HPS Red/Low K. I know that anyone of them will produce good bud, but how do they compare to one another?

Here's my take on the three:

1. Standard HPS: Well, it's standard HPS. Tried, true, tested - will surely produce thick buds. You may have stretch issues, but if that isn't a concern is this then the best choice? You know most of the energy from this lamp is enhancing your flower weight. What I wonder is how it compares in relation to the other two types I mentioned and are all HPSes the same when it comes to how much red they put out? And if they aren't all the same, are the redder ones better? Which brings us to...

2. HPS Red/Low K: I know this is not common or mentioned a lot - but it got me curious, but there are lamps out there which have a bit higher color rating of 2000K (redder light) as opposed to 2200K which is your standard HPS. Do you think there would be advantages to growing with lights like these negligible or not? I also notice that they are not as expensive (which is nice too, especially if they push the yield that much further). However that concerns me too, would a more expensive standard HPS bulb or CMH be just as good or deliver more of that red spectrum based on the quality alone? What's the general consensus on cheaper vs more popular/expensive bulbs? If your main goal is the most red light getting to your plants, could this be the best option?

3. Super HPS/CMH/PSMH: Which brings us to the bulbs enhanced with more blue/UV light - the Sunmaster/Son Agro/Hortilux/SunPulse, etc. I've hear some, underwhelming reviews - and they are very expensive so I wonder what's the community got to say about them. Does the extra blue output take away from the red output? I've heard that that is why the SonAgro 430W added that extra 30 watts - it's devoted to powering that extra blue light so that the added spectrum doesn't take away from the other spectra of the original 400W light. Have the growers out there noticed that the added blue actually makes their yield better, the same, or decreased? I know blue helps with photosynthesis, sugar uptake - my question is does making the plant "healthier" in that respect make the buds just as big or better? If stretching isn't a worry and their UVB output isn't an issue - should a grower go with either option 1 or 2 instead?

Just some info on my setup - I need to vent my lights (2 1000W bulbs) so any UVB that a Super HPS/CMH/PSMH would produce would be blocked by the glass so I will be supplementing with retiple lights for trichome development. So is intense red light (the more, the redder the better?) the way to go? If so I'm thinking these "HPS Red/Low K" lights might be worth a look, I mean if they would produce only a few grams more - well, call me greedy, but that sounds like a good deal to me.

So please, RIU community growers, I'm all ears. Tell me your experiences, your thoughts on the subject - and what light is your favorite/do you grow with & why?


Looking good yourself there, sexy. ;)

But seriously, I swear I didn't take it from your avatar. Just googled, saw it and swiped it from some random website - so yeah, guess I'm still a thief. :mrgreen: