start growing in houston?


Well-Known Member
is it good to start growing on a balcony in houston tx?
you don't want to grow where others can see it. if you or your nebiors can see it from the ground so can johnny law. the idea is to have a stealth grow. build a grow cabnet if money is an isue use cfl lighting.
or you can pick up some of the downed street lights. some of them are mh or hps lights. found lots of them in dallas when i lived there. then all you have to get is the balast to run the light. gl on your grow.


Active Member
haha. a balcony sounds liike a terrible place to grow your marijuana.
if its atleast hidden or out of sight it might be fine, but idonoooooooo


Well-Known Member
You're not going to get the results you want starting an outside grow at this time of year, even in H-town. Better wait until the spring. And yes, if anyone can see your balcony, either from below or from another nearby apartment, then better not grow outside at all. Texas is definitely not one one the more MJ-friendly states.