Start of mildew/mould?


It’s been really hot and humid here in Ontario for the last week and I’m worried that this white/grey stuff is the start of mould/mildew on my outdoor plants. If so what can I do about it? 5th week in flower. This is my first grow and I’ve made lots of mistakes, but thought I was starting to make good progress and hoping this isn’t a disaster.
Thanks for the Citric acid idea. I assume I could mix my own from just citric acid powder and water, do you have a recommended ratio? And do I just spray my plants all over or just target the few areas of mildew I can see? Thanks again for the help.
Is that the only leaf? Sometimes its bird shit or something else.

Peroxide straight up out of a spray bottle will knock it back. It works relly good, but once you see it you have to stay on top every day. Its very hard to get rid of completely. Just spary the leaves you see it on. Never when its sunny.
Thanks for the Citric acid idea. I assume I could mix my own from just citric acid powder and water, do you have a recommended ratio? And do I just spray my plants all over or just target the few areas of mildew I can see? Thanks again for the help.

2.5-3 tsp per quart. You might not see it but if you have spots of PM the plant is already covered in spores. Spray everything. No oil products though.
It’s been really hot and humid here in Ontario for the last week and I’m worried that this white/grey stuff is the start of mould/mildew on my outdoor plants. If so what can I do about it? 5th week in flower. This is my first grow and I’ve made lots of mistakes, but thought I was starting to make good progress and hoping this isn’t a disaster.
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Same f'ing thing just happen to me, just noticed today here in Upstate ( hot and humid lately, lots of rain) outside crop .....scoped mine at 200X...1st sign f'ing sweat for me. Tried new product....."Banish fungicide " , it's a geranium extract oil that can be used through all stages of growth. This shit actually KILLS that mold; it kills the "hook" that pierces mycelium. Most fungicides are preventatives not cures. I had a load of chocolope going.....2 months in, PM. Only sprayed twice, a week apart.....f'ing gone, as a matter of fact they have been blooming for about 2.5 months. I did environmental testing for 39yrs.....I'm very comfortable with safety....MSDS , hazardous materials, products of combustion etc.
With the citric acid foliar spray should I be applying every day now until harvest?

No. Once a week.

Actually, since you already have PM you should probably do a few sprays 3 days apart.
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Will do. Thanks again for your help. The heat and humidity are back down to normal levels here now, so hopefully that will help as well.