started growing from seed with 12/12 and wanted to bump it up to 18/6 any suggestions


i figured that the 12/12 was good to start with but then i read more and everyone is saying 18/6 or somewhere around there. I planted them 13 days ago and they sprouted about 2 days after that. If i go and change them to 18/6 will it hurt them, or should i gradually introduce more light?


Active Member
If it were me I would take them directly to 24 hours of light. If your plants hermie from that then the genetics were questionable to begin with. When plants sprout in the spring they are closer to 12/12 then 18/6 anyway.

Personally I don't see any benefit to running 18/6 compared to 24/0. The only reason I would do that is if I'm trying to avoid peak hour electric prices.


Well-Known Member
I seedling/clone/ veg mine under 24 hour light....then a week or so before I transplant to flower I change it to 18/6...set it under flowering lights at 18/6 for another week then go 12/12..then 1 or so week before harvest I set it 10/14..and then finally finish it off by letting it sit in the dark 2 days before harvest.


Active Member
The reason for 18/6, or at least 20/4 is that there are complex carbs that the plant only produce during dark periods. If you are increasing the light cycle you shouldn't have any problems.

I'm not a fan of all this BS designed to increase the speed to harvest. Sort of the difference between super market beef, and Kobe beef. IMO plants that are treated with love and care, will always produce a superior product to plants treated like cattle.


yea but do you think changing them straight to 18 hours light from 12 will shock them, or would you gradually bump them up every couple days? i just dont want them to die from shock lol


Active Member
The reason for 18/6, or at least 20/4 is that there are complex carbs that the plant only produce during dark periods. If you are increasing the light cycle you shouldn't have any problems.

I'm not a fan of all this BS designed to increase the speed to harvest. Sort of the difference between super market beef, and Kobe beef. IMO plants that are treated with love and care, will always produce a superior product to plants treated like cattle.

Do you have links to the complex carbs produced only in dark? I would be interested in reading about that to make a more educated decision.

I don't think that giving your plants 24 hours of light is "treating them like cattle". I treat my organic plants with total care throughout their whole lives. Its kind of interesting that you cite Kobe beef because although the final product is good, and the cattle are massaged, given beer, etc, they are basically super pampered, super super obese cattle. They are not healthy animals. A percentage of them die before they can be slaughtered because they are fed so much.