Started plants in January indoors,


Active Member
Ive been experimenting, i started 10 shit seeds for the hell of it in early january. its now the middle of march and theres still two feet of snow on the ground. i built a shitty ass grow box, but its working great. I'm usiing a 55watt full spectrum bulb with the highest optical performance 91+CRI / 5500Kelvin.
its from a desk lamp my mom bought me, thanks mom! I think its funny ass hell. but i got one of those tin foil turkey pans and 6 4x4 pots and some high nitrogen base fert. then put all my sprouts in the pan and completely covered it in aluminum foil. its March 11 now and there about 7'' tall and have 5-6 set of leaves and branches. i'm building a bigger box now.

What i need to know is, can i plant them outside when the weathers right and have them flower with natures natural cycle. or will they flower early and be fucked up. i wanted to know also if you have to kill the plant when you harvest or can you just cut all the buds off and have the plant live on for next years harvest.


Well-Known Member
not sure, I am going to start mine indoors in about a week or two. I think the question is how many hour of light do your plants get now? if it is alot more than they will get when you pu them outside it might fuck them a little. Best thing to do is to start putting them outside, gradually increasing the time they re out until they are out there permanently. That way they adjust to the natural cycle and seasons of the earth. But I would like a better answer myself.


Well-Known Member
"What i need to know is, can i plant them outside when the weathers right and have them flower with natures natural cycle. or will they flower early and be fucked up. i wanted to know also if you have to kill the plant when you harvest or can you just cut all the buds off and have the plant live on for next years harvest"

when your ready to take them outside make sure you adjust them to the environment, keep an eye on them incase of shock.... from heat, sunlight, ect. when i take mine out i give em about 2 hours out in the sun the first day and take em back in, then 4 then 6 then 8. not exactly sure where your from, but your plants shouldn't flower untill the daylight hours cut back, some people have told me they started plants in december and took them out in the end of march and had them flower because spring days are shorter than summer days (this is in michigan), this is hear-say though, not personal experience. as far as keeping your plant outdoors for next harvest...... marijuana is an anual, you have to plant em each year, if you kept her inside in veg you could keep her as long as you wanted, but after flowering (actual budding) occurs i don't think you can really go back into veg. i'm not saying you can't sex and go back to veg, just that i don't think you can re-veg a plant that went to full on mature bud.