Startin' afresh

The pokey bit

Active Member
How's it going guys? I'm just starting some White Rhino, as I recently had to chop down my first ever grow. I had 9 Stinky Pinky on the go, and I thought I was doing great, until I had to move house. And I managed to get the plants to the new house, but before I got my growing area set up, my new neighbour told me she could smell it. So it had to go (for a couple of weeks). But now I'm back in action with 5 feminized WR (well only 4 of them look like they're germinating, but that's fine 'cos I only planned on growing 4 anyway) and the thing is this. I had been using a 400w HPS for the whole grow, but earlier I was reading one of the grow journals of someone else who had only been using HPS and somebody mentioned that he should veg with a MH for better growth. Trouble is, I can't remember what thread it was and I wanted to look at the picture he submitted of his veggin' plants to see what the difference was between the two. So I was just wondering (and this is what I've been trying to get to) if anybody has any images of the two so I can have a look. As I say I thought my SP's were lookin' real good (I have some pictures on my phone, but I can't find my USB lead to post them. I will when I find it.) Thanx in advance guys, an' I'm sorry if I went on a bit.