starting a 1 plant box


Active Member
hey i'm planning on making a 3X1.5 little grow box in my attic, i was thinking about 2 CFL's pushing like 3200 lumens, and maybe a computer fan or two pushing heat since summers just around the corner and i live in orange county so we tend to get some hot ones.
also there's already a nice flap vent already installed into my house directly next to where i'm planning on putting the box, its about 10 feet in the air but the problem is it pushes STRAIGHT towards my neighbors garage which isn't chill. i was wondering if someone could also maybe recommend a nice INEXPINSIVE filter [not even sure what the prices range at] and maybe what sized fans to use and placement..
i'm pretty new to this whole thing, but theres a nice hydro store a few blocks from my house so i'm gonna go talk to someone tomorrow hopefully..
